5 photos that help children to remember their childhood

What is your favourite photo from your childhood? The photos we're most attached to usually remind us of a particular feeling connected to someone we love or a place we feel deeply connected to.

When I look back on photos from childhood I'm searching for evidence of my everyday life that my mind can't recall. Whose hand was I holding when we went on family walks? Did my parents smile in the same way they do now when they were younger? What did our bathroom look like in our first home?

Here are five photos that help children to remember their childhood.

An ordinary family meal

I bet you remember your favourite meals from your childhood and perhaps your most hated meal. But do you remember where everyone sat at the table? Or the looks you exchanged across the table? A photo of a scene like this becomes a valuable record and can trigger lots of memories.

Bath time

So many little dramas unfold in the bathtub, yet how often do we take beth time photos? Just mind your camera or phone isn’t spending too long in the steam!

A family walk

Our family walks evolve over time from baby carriers to a few years later when everyone is riding bicycles. Each scene tells a story of that particular stage in our family life.

A big snuggle

Beautiful moments when we did nothing - relaxing on the sofa all snuggled together. These photographs can often evoke the wonderful physical and emotional warmth we felt, safely cocooned.


Of the spaces we inhabit during childhood our bedrooms are often the best reflection of us. There will be many versions of your children’s bedroom - from soft toys piled high to teenage idol posters - each room tell so many stories.

What photos do you wish you had from your childhood? How could you create these photos for your own children? How can I help you do this? Find out more about a documentary family photography session here.


Displaying family photography in your home: 5 inspiring tips


How photographs can uplift us